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continue yessss KEEP IT UP 10k words, LOTS OF DIALOGUE FILTH, straight up pornographic filthy stuff, a lot of dialogues, lots. not to mention use a shit ton of onomatopia, all the ungh, fuck, aaah aah, u know? wanna hear the mindless babling, nonsensical sounds, all in all just be good, i want both of the characters to talk and maybe bring an end with u know their time ending cause, sooyoung has schedule and so does the fan , how long can they spend at a gym lol , other people will start coming *Content warning: The following contains extremely explicit sexual content* Y/N guided the thoroughly debauched Sooyoung into the gym’s shower room, her trembling legs barely able to support her weight after the intense pounding she had just endured. “Nnghh…” She whimpered softly as he pressed her against the cool tiled wall, lips instantly latching onto her neck and sucking harshly. His hands roamed greedily over her sweat-slicked skin, squeezing and kneading at her tender breasts. “You feel so fucking amazing,” he growled against the juncture of her neck. “Been dreaming of getting my hands on this perfect body for years.” Sooyoung keened softly at the praise, arching her chest further into his calloused palms. Y/N took the invitation, ducking his head to drag his tongue over one pebbled nipple. She cried out sharply as he sucked it into his mouth, swirling his tongue around the sensitive bud. “Ah! Ah! F-Fuck…” She panted, fingers burying in his hair to hold him in place. He lavished the same attention on her other breast, nipping at the soft underside teasingly. Trailing open-mouthed kisses down her torso, Y/N dropped to his knees before her. He hooked his arms under her thighs, bodily lifting her up to press her back against the tiles. Sooyoung’s eyes went wide as he spread her legs obscenely, her puffy lower lips glistening with their combined arousal. “You’re so fucking wet for me,” he groaned, drinking in the erotic sight. “Such a messy little slut.” “Nnhh…p-please oppa…” She whined, grinding her hips against his face wantonly. “Need your mouth…” He needed no further encouragement, instantly burying his face in her dripping slit. Sooyoung cried out, head thumping back against the wall as his talented tongue lapped at her slick folds. Y/N moaned against her, the vibrations only heightening her pleasure. “Oh god! Ah! Ah! Ah!” She chanted mindlessly, hips jerking against his skilled mouth. Y/N released one of her legs to slide two fingers knuckle-deep inside her soaked channel. Sooyoung’s velvet walls fluttered around the intrusion as he curled them unerringly against that spongy front wall. “FUCK!” She screamed, legs clamping around his head as he ruthlessly massaged her g-spot. “R-Right there! Don’t s-stop!” Smirking against her drenched folds, Y/N increased the speed of his thrusting fingers. His other hand came up to pinch and roll her swollen clit between his fingers as he licked messily into her spasming hole. Sooyoung thrashed against the tile, her cries reaching a fever pitch as her orgasm slammed into her. Her creamy juices flooded Y/N’s mouth and chin as he groaned, lapping up every drop of her essence. “Mmmm…such a good girl,” he praised, pressing soothing kisses along her inner thighs. “Gonna make you cum like that over and over again.” Before she could catch her breath, he was surging up to capture her lips in a filthy kiss. Sooyoung could taste her own tangy arousal on his tongue as it plundered her mouth hungrily. She moaned into the heated kiss, body still buzzing from her intense climax. Gripping her hips, Y/N spun her around to face the wall. He ground the thick length of his cock against the cleft of her ass, making her whimper at the delicious friction. “Gonna fuck this tight little pussy again,” he growled in her ear. “Gonna make you take every inch…” “Yes, yes!” She panted eagerly. “Fill me up, oppa! Nnghh!” Her words trailed off into a broken moan as he sheathed himself in one rough thrust, bottoming out inside her velvet depths. Sooyoung scrabbled at the slick tiles for purchase as he instantly set a punishing pace – his heavy sac slapping loudly against her ass with every powerful snap of his hips. “Ah! Ah! Ah! Fuck!” She cried, the obscene squelching sounds of their joining filling the steamy air. “So full! Nnghh!” Y/N snarled, jackhammering into her from behind. His fingers dug into the soft flesh of her hips hard enough to leave marks as he used her pliant body for his pleasure. The lewd smacking of sweat-slicked skin echoed in the confined space. “Take it, baby,” he growled, punctuating each word with a sharp thrust. “Take oppa’s big cock like a good little slut!” Sooyoung dissolved into a babbling mess of whimpers and moans, totally impaled on his thick length. Her petite body was wracked with shudders as pleasure sang through her nerve endings. She could feel her peak building rapidly, the familiar tightening in her lower belly. “G-Gonna cum!” She wailed, bucking wildly against him. “Oh god, oppa! I’m cumming!” Her hot walls clamped down in rhythmic pulses, milking his cock as she rode out her climax. Y/N groaned at the exquisite sensation, hips stuttering erratically before he pulled out. Spinning her around once more, he shoved her to her knees. Sooyoung looked up at him through hooded lids, lips parted enticingly as she caught her breath. Locking eyes with her, Y/N fisted his slick cock, swollen tip just inches from her face. “Open up, baby,” he rasped, voice thick with lust. “Gonna cover that pretty face in my cum.” Eagerly, she stuck out her tongue, eyes fluttering shut in anticipation. Y/N groaned at the obscene sight, fisting himself with renewed vigor. It only took a few more strokes before he was painting her features in thick ropes of his release. “Nnghh…fuck yes!” He snarled, marking her thoroughly as his own. “Take it all, you little cum slut!” Sooyoung mewled softly as the hot liquid striped her cheeks, tongue and chin. She looked utterly debauched, chest heaving and lips swollen from their intense coupling. Before Y/N could fully catch his breath, the sound of the gym’s front door opening echoed down the hallway. “Shit!” He hissed, quickly turning on the shower spray to wash away the evidence of their tryst. “Someone’s here.” Sooyoung’s eyes went wide with panic as she hurriedly scrubbed the drying cum from her face under the steaming water. They hastily traded messy, desperate kisses – tongues tangling as they chased the taste of each other one last time. “Fuck, I don’t want this to end,” Y/N groaned against her swollen lips. “Need to see you again…” “Next time, your place,” she panted, grinding her slick heat against his rapidly hardening length. He captured her mouth in a searing kiss, hands roaming greedily over her wet curves. “Deal,” he rasped as the sound of footsteps grew nearer. With extreme reluctance, they parted – quickly toweling off and gathering their scattered belongings. Sharing one last heated look, they slipped out of the locker room just as an elderly man rounded the corner towards the weight room. Sooyoung shuddered at the memories of the night’s debauchery, already counting down the hours until she could lose herself in Y/N’s intoxicating embrace once more. *Panting heavily, Y/N carried the limp, thoroughly fucked form of Sooyoung into the gym’s deserted locker room. Her head lolled against his shoulder, eyes glazed over and lips parted on quiet whimpers with each jostle.* “Nnghh…f-fuck…” she slurred, seeming to regain a shred of lucidity as he set her gingerly on a bench. Thick ropes of their mixed release and her abundant juices dripped steadily down the insides of her trembling thighs. Y/N groaned at the debauched sight, cock twitching eagerly despite his own recent climax. “Christ you’re so fucking sexy like this baby…” He rasped, voice gravelly. Cupping her flushed cheek to tilt her face up for another sloppy, heated kiss. Sooyoung mewled into his mouth, parting her lips eagerly to let his probing tongue in. Tasting the salt-bitterness of herself on him. She arched weakly into his body, nipples scraping against the solid plane of his chest. The spark of renewed desire had Y/N growling, large hands roaming greedily over every inch of her soft, marked up skin. Squeezing and kneading at her tits roughly until she whined out loud. “Mmm still so sensitive here huh?” He purred wickedly, rolling the stiff peaks between calloused fingertips. Enjoying how Sooyoung writhed and gasped, flushed all the way down to her bouncing breasts now. “O-oppa…!” She keened, grinding her soaked slit shamelessly against his muscular thigh wedged between her legs. Coating him in a fresh wave of her slick arousal. “W-want you again…need your cock so bad!” Groaning at her filthy words, Y/N couldn’t resist palming himself through his loose basketball shorts. Already achingly hard and ready to split her apart once more. With a low growl he pushed her backwards onto the bench – spreading her trembling thighs wide in a lewd display. Sooyoung bit her puffy lower lip with a moan, not even trying to cover her glistening, swollen pussy from his hungry gaze. “Fuck look how messy and puffy you are…” Y/N rasped in awe, dragging the pads of his fingers through her dripping slit to feel the slippery heat. She bucked sharply into the light penetration with a cry. Not wasting any more time, he quickly shoved his shorts down – freeing his thick, flushed cock to spring up and smack against her drenched folds. They both groaned at the first delicious contact, Y/N’s hips stuttering forward to grind the bulbous head through her silky arousal. “Haaah! Unghhh…” Sooyoung’s back arched high off the bench as he teased her mercilessly, rubbing just the very tip of his cock against her throbbing clit. She fisted her hands in his hair, tugging harshly to try and force him deeper inside. “M-more! Need you to f-fuck me…” She mewled desperately, voice breaking on a sob. Tears of overstimulation gathered in the corners of her eyes. “Yeah? You want this big dick splitting you open again?” Y/N growled, punctuating his words by finally pressing forward in one long, relentless thrust. Not stopping until he bottomed out balls-deep, her tight velvet walls fluttering wildly around the sudden intrusion. “AAAHHH FUCK!” Sooyoung screamed, legs kicking out spasmodically. Nails raking down his back as her entire body seized up in a violent orgasm – cunt convulsing erratically around his buried length. “Oh shit…fuck that’s it baby…” Y/N groaned through gritted teeth, fighting against his own release at the mind-numbing sensation of her rippling inner muscles. Feeling her fresh arousal gushing out around his cock to soak the bench beneath them. Not giving her any chance to recover, he drew his hips back slowly until just the swollen head remained inside her. Then with a brutal slam, he sheathed himself to the hilt once more – her hoarse scream music to his ears. “Gonna make you cum all over this dick again…fuck you’re so goddamn tight!” He snarled, setting a punishing pace instantly. Hands gripping tightly around her hips to hold her petite frame steady as he jackhammered up into her relentlessly. The lewd wet sounds of their fucking echoed obscenely through the empty locker room. Mixed with Sooyoung’s mindless babbling and the sharp smack of skin against skin. Her heavy tits bouncing wildly with each powerful thrust, smacking lewdly against her flushed chest. “Aaahh! Aaahh! Aaahh!” She cried out in time with the ruthless pounding, voice cracking. Legs wrapping high around his lower back to take him deeper still inside her convulsing depths. Sweat poured down Y/N’s face and chest from the exertion, muscles straining. But he refused to let up – fucking into her with everything he had, determined to pull every last scream and orgasm from her gorgeous body. “You like that huh? Like getting ruined on this big dick?” He rasped, punctuating each word with a sharp thrust that made her entire frame jolt. Not waiting for a response before reaching down to start viciously rubbing tight circles around her swollen clit. Sooyoung’s broken wail pierced the air as she came apart yet again. Her back arched up off the bench at an almost inhuman angle, muscles locked tight as liquid fire shot through her veins. Gushing torrents of fresh arousal around Y/N’s still pistoning cock as he refused to let up. “HAAAHHH! HAAAHHH! HAAAHHH!” She screamed, tears streaming down her flushed cheeks at the sheer intensity of her release. Every nerve ending felt electrified, cunt spasming wildly in orgasmic bliss. Jaw clenched, Y/N growled deep in his chest as her rippling inner walls tried to milk him for every drop. But he still wasn’t done with her. Not even close. Pulling out with an obscene wet pop, he swiftly flipped Sooyoung over onto her hands and knees. Hips raising high to present her soaked, gaping pussy lewdly. More of their mixed release immediately dripped down her inner thighs with the new position. “Nnghh no more…I c-can’t…” She whimpered weakly, body shaking from the aftermath of her latest orgasm. But still arched her back further, wiggling her hips in silent invitation. Smirking wickedly, Y/N gripped a fistful of her messy hair – tugging her head back sharply. “Yes you fucking can,” he growled in her ear, the rumbling bass of his voice making her shudder. Not waiting any longer, Y/N notched the swollen head of his cock against her fluttering entrance once more. Then with one hard snap of his hips, he buried himself to the hilt inside her velvet depths yet again. Sooyoung’s hoarse scream bounced off the tiled walls as he immediately set a brutal pace – hips pistoning rapidly to fuck up into her from behind. The vulgar wet squelching and smacking of flesh filled the locker room, mixing with her helpless cries. “AAAHH! AAAHH! F-FUCK MEEEE!” She babbled mindlessly, head tossing back and forth as he used her roughly. Entire body jolting forward with the force of his thrusts, heavy tits swaying wildly. Sweat dripped down Y/N’s face and chest, muscles straining with the effort of pounding up into her at such a relentless pace. Hips smacking loudly against her ass with every powerful thrust, the stinging slaps only spurring him on further. Reaching around her arched frame, he palmed her bouncing breasts roughly – tugging and rolling the stiff peaks between his fingers. Sooyoung wailed, cunt convulsing around him as another orgasm crashed through her battered form without warning. “HAAAHHH! HAAAHHH! AAAAAHHHHH!” She screamed, legs kicking out spasmodically as she squirted arousal with each thrust. Completely losing control of her body as Y/N continued using her mercilessly through every wave of release. Finally he could hold back no longer, her rippling inner walls milking him too intensely. With a deep, animalistic roar he slammed up into her one final time – burying himself as deep as physically possible as he came in hot, pulsing spurts. Ropes of thick, viscous release pumped directly into Sooyoung’s battered cunt, adding to the mess already coating her thighs. She whimpered brokenly at the sensation of being pumped so full, quivering through her own miniature orgasms with each spurt. Panting harshly, Y/N slowly ground his hips in tight circles – ensuring every drop painted her insides before pulling out with a wet squelch. Strings of their mixed release immediately started leaking out of her puffy, gaping hole to drip down her skin. The sight made his cock jump eagerly despite his recent orgasm, desire rekindling at her thoroughly ruined form. But before he could start round who-knows-what-number, the sound of the front door opening echoed through the gym. Voices and heavy footsteps quickly followed – signaling the first of the early morning crowd was arriving. Sooyoung whimpered in mortification, struggling weakly to cover her nudity as consciousness returned. Chuckling darkly, Y/N scooped her up into his arms once more. Uncaring of her pitiful squeak of protest as more of their combined releases smeared between their bodies from the movement. “I think that’s our cue to get out of here baby,” he rasped against the sweaty column of her throat, sucking a dark mark just below her jaw. She shivered, clinging to him weakly as he carried her towards the staff exit. “W-what if someone sees…?” Sooyoung whispered, voice completely wrecked. But made no move to extract herself from his arms, actually cuddling closer instead. Y/N smirked down at her, brushing aside her tangled bangs to press a surprisingly gentle kiss to her forehead. “Then they’ll get one hell of a show.” He kicked open the exit door, the pair disappearing into the early morning Seoul streets. Leaving only the ruined aftermath of their marathon fucking session behind in the gym… *The next day at SNSD’s dance practice* “Ugh I’m so sore today…” Sooyoung groaned, rolling her shoulders with a wince as their choreographer called for a water break. Dropping down onto the floor beside Yoona, she gulped greedily from her bottle. Trying not to squirm too noticeably – the lingering ache between her thighs from last night’s activities was…distracting to say the least. “Tell me about it,” Yoona laughed, patting her own lower back gingerly. “That choreo is brutal! I felt like an old lady just getting out of bed this morning.” Sooyoung managed a tight smile, cheeks flushing as flashes of being bent over that very same bed last night bombarded her thoughts. A big, rough hand fisting in her hair as— “Earth to Sooyoung?” Yoona waved a hand in front of her face, brows raised in amusement. “You zoned out there for a sec.” “Huh? Oh, sorry unnie…” she stammered, face growing even hotter. Shuffling awkwardly, Sooyoung failed to suppress a tiny hiss of discomfort that didn’t go unnoticed. “Ya, are you hurt or something?” Yoona asked with a frown, eyeing her oddly. Before Sooyoung could deflect, Tiffany plopped down on her other side – clearly eavesdropping with a sly grin. “Our maknae’s just sore from a different type of ‘workout’ last night if you know what I mean…” She waggled her eyebrows suggestively and Sooyoung’s mouth dropped open in mortification. How could Tiffany possibly—? “Oh my god, no way!” Yoona gasped, eyes going wide as she looked between them. “You got dicked down last night??” “Yah!” Sooyoung shushed them frantically, eyes darting around the practice room. Thankfully the other members were engrossed in their own conversations for the moment. “Will you two shut up?” she hissed, beyond embarrassed. “It’s not like that, I just went to the gym late and—” “Oooh the gym?” Tiffany cut her off with a lecherous grin. “Is that what the kids are calling it these days?” Groaning, Sooyoung gave up – dropping her head into her hands as they cackled around her. God she couldn’t even look at them right now…not with the memory of being stuffed absolutely full of— “So are you gonna spill the deets or what?” Yoona poked her shoulder excitedly. “Don’t leave your unnies hanging here! Who was the lucky stud?” “Yeah, was it Oppa?” Tiffany joined in, referring to Sooyoung’s boyfriend Jung Kyung-ho with a teasing lilt. “Or did you go sneaking around behind his back again?” Sooyoung’s head snapped up, eyes wide as she studied the American’s too-innocent expression. There was no way…Tiffany couldn’t actually know, could she? Swallowing hard, she opened her mouth to deflect again. Only to be cut off by a new voice. “Who went sneaking around?” Hyoyeon asked curiously, dropping down to join their little circle with the other members trailing behind. Judging by the wicked glint in her eye, she’d heard enough already. “Our innocent little Sooyoungie here got railed at the gym last night,” Tiffany announced gleefully before Sooyoung could protest. The gasps and shrieks of laughter that followed made her want to shrivel up and die on the spot. Face flaming, she hunched miserably as they continued cackling and peppering her with scandalous questions. “The gym? Damn girl, I didn’t realize you were so kinky!” “Wait, was it one of those creepy sasaeng fans or—?” “Did you at least make him buy you a protein shake first?” “Oh my god, you guys!” Sooyoung finally burst out, mortified beyond belief. She knew her members loved to tease but this was too much, even for their usual shenanigans. Dropping her voice to a harsh whisper, she glanced around again before hissing “It was just a random hookup, okay? With some really hot guy at the gym, not a sasaeng. I didn’t plan it or anything!” Her admission only made the ruckus around her increase tenfold. Hands flew to cover scandalized mouths as they all started shrieking over each other again. Sooyoung couldn’t even hear herself think at this point. “A random guy?? At the gym?!” “Damn, get it girl!” “Was he at least hung? Don’t leave out the important deets!” “Wait, but what about Oppa?” That one gave Sooyoung pause, the excited giggles around her dimming slightly as they remembered her long-term boyfriend. A tense silence fell over the circle as they all realized the implications. Shuffling her feet guiltily, she avoided eye contact as the weight of her cheating really hit. Tiffany was the one to break the quiet, voice low and serious in a rare moment. “Sooyoung-ah…please tell me you didn’t actually cheat on Kyung-ho oppa last night.” The tangible disappointment in her tone made Sooyoung’s stomach twist sickly. As did the disapproving frowns from the other members now that the giddy thrill was gone. “I…I didn’t mean to, I swear!” she tried weakly. “This guy was just there, and so sweet and then one thing led to another and—” “One thing led to another?” Hyoyeon cut her off with an incredulous look. “You’re trying to excuse fucking some random at the gym because he was nice to you??” “No! I mean…I don’t know, okay?” Sooyoung cried, feeling her eyes well up with shameful tears against her will. “He was just so hot, and confident and the workout made me feel sexy for once and—” “Oh honey…” Tiffany sighed, wrapping an arm around her shoulders as the first tears spilled over. “That’s no excuse to cheat. You know Oppa would be devastated if he found out!” Sooyoung nodded miserably, sniffling into her friend’s shoulder as the others moved in closer. Trying their best to comfort her even as concern over her potential indiscretion lingered. “We know you’ve been stressed with this comeback,” Yoona murmured, rubbing her back soothingly. “And Kyung-ho oppa has been super busy too. But that’s no reason to jeopardize what you two have!” “Seriously, you guys have been going steady longer than any of us,” Hyoyeon chimed in, more gently this time. “Is the seven year itch already kicking your horny ass that hard?” Sooyoung let out a watery laugh at that, wiping her damp cheeks as the mood lightened again. As much as they loved to tease, her members were also fiercely protective of each other. “I really didn’t plan it you guys,” she said, sniffling. “This guy, Y/N, was just stupidly hot and at first he was shy and cute but then we started flirting and—” “Whoa whoa, Y/N?” Sunny cut her off with a low whistle. “As in tall, built fan with the sexy bedroom eyes? Dark hair?” When Sooyoung nodded slowly, her unnies all exchanged impressed looks. “Damn, I’m not mad at that!” Tiffany laughed. “That fanboy is fiiine as fuck!” “Right??” Sooyoung couldn’t help but agree, finally smiling again. “He was so sweet at first, but then he got all confident and controlling and just…railed me against every possible surface oh my god.” The squeal of excitement that erupted around her made her dissolve into embarrassed laughter again, cheeks pink. But she didn’t miss the heated looks being shared by her unnies now – or the way several of them shifted subtly, pressing their thighs together. “Yah, are you all getting turned on right now?” she accused, both amused and slightly scandalized. “Over me telling you about getting dicked down?” “Like you weren’t just thinking about every nasty detail!” Hyoyeon shot back with a smirk. “Don’t blame us for wanting to live vicariously through your slutty endeavors.” Sooyoung’s jaw dropped, but she couldn’t exactly argue the point. She had been replaying the previous night’s events in explicit detail in her mind ever since arriving at practice this morning. Hell, she could still smell Y/N’s lingering musk on her skin every time she moved… “Well? Don’t leave your unnies hanging,” Tiffany prompted with a lascivious grin, fanning herself dramatically. “We need to hear all the smutty deets! How big was he? What positions? Did he make you squirt or—?” “Ya! Tiffany-ssi!” Their manager’s stern voice made them all jump, whipping around guiltily. He stood with hands on his hips, clearly unamused at finding his girls gossiping instead of rehearsing. Brows raised sternly as he took in Sooyoung’s blotchy face and the heated looks around the circle. “Is this really an appropriate conversation right now, ladies?” he asked pointedly. “Or should I be investing in the world’s largest industrial box of panty liners?” The shrieks and howls of laughter that followed made Sooyoung want to die all over again. But she couldn’t help joining in, cheeks aching as she dissolved into giggles with her members. Brushing off the manager’s long-suffering sigh, they all slowly got to their feet again. Still tittering as they retook their positions for the choreography. “Don’t think this gets you off the hook!” Tiffany stage-whispered with a wink as the music kicked back on. “You’re giving us every last nasty detail over drinks later!” Sooyoung just shook her head in amusement, shooting her friend a saucy wink back. Doing her best to focus on the dance moves despite the lingering ache between her legs and the memories insistently replaying in her mind. One thing was for sure – Y/N had definitely made an impression she wouldn’t be forgetting anytime soon! She could only pray her members would let it go before her boyfriend caught wind of her indiscretion… *pant pant* Sooyoung’s chest heaved as Y/N carried her towards the locker room showers, her limp body coated in a glistening mixture of their mixed fluids. “Nnghh…oppa…” she mumbled mindlessly, nuzzling her face into the crook of his neck as he cradled her close. Y/N groaned at the feeling of her plush lips ghosting over his skin. “I’ve got you baby, just gonna get you all cleaned up,” he rumbled, kicking open the locker room door. The bright fluorescent lights made Sooyoung whimper and squeeze her eyes shut. Y/N chuckled darkly. “That sensitive after I fucked you into oblivion?” “Mmmmh…” was her only whimpery reply as he set her down gently on the tiled bench. Sooyoung’s thighs quivered, struggling to hold herself upright in her thoroughly debauched state. Y/N drank in the sight greedily – Korea’s sweetheart Sooyoung, naked and dripping with his essence, skin flushed and eyes glazed over. “Stay right there,” he murmured, pressing a hot openmouthed kiss to her slack lips before straightening up. Sooyoung watched him through lidded eyes as he crossed to the shower stalls, twisting on the spray until steaming water poured out. The sound of the running water made her mouth water, suddenly parched. “Ahh…ahh…” she panted shamelessly, not caring how desperate she sounded. Y/N looked over his shoulder at her with a wolfish grin. “You need something, baby girl?” His tone was smug, clearly enjoying her neediness. Sooyoung squirmed on the hard bench. “W-Water…need…” she whined, throat feeling raw from all her cries. Y/N tsked, sauntering back over with his thick cock swinging heavily between his legs. “Use your words like a good girl,” he chided, gripping her jaw lightly. “What does my little slut need?” Sooyoung’s eyes fluttered at the filthy name, a fresh gush of arousal coating her inner thighs. “Water…need to drink…pleeease oppa…” she rasped, hardly recognizing her own needy voice. Y/N hummed in approval, using his other hand to gather her tangled hair into a ponytail and tug her head back. “Such a mess you’ve made of yourself,” he tutted, eyeing the streaks of drying cum and her own juices coating her body with undisguised lust. “I’ll get you some water baby…but then we’re getting you nice and clean again.” He sealed the promise with a rough, claiming kiss that had Sooyoung melting against him bonelessly. When he pulled away, her swollen lips were parted and panting. Y/N groaned at the sight, giving the base of his cock a squeeze before reluctantly turning away to grab a cup from the locker room dispenser. He filled it up nearly to the brim with cool water, then returned to Sooyoung’s side. “Here, nice and slow,” he murmured, cradling the back of her head as he brought the cup to her lips. Sooyoung latched on gratefully, gulping down the water with shameless desperation. Rivulets of it spilled over her chin and down her chest, mingling with the mess already there. Y/N growled low in his throat at the erotic sight. “Good girl…that’s it, get it all down,” he encouraged roughly. When the cup was finally drained, he tossed it carelessly aside and gripped her jaw again, slanting his mouth over hers in a searing kiss. Sooyoung moaned into it, plush lips working sloppily against his as he plundered her mouth. His tongue slid along hers, tasting the lingering coolness from the water. “Mmmfff…aaahh…” she mewled, clutching blindly at his flexing biceps. Y/N growled again, nipping along the line of her jaw. “You taste so fucking good, can’t get enough of you,” he rasped, sucking a blatant mark into the juncture of her neck. “Turn around baby, time to get you cleaned up.” Sooyoung whimpered but obediently shifted until her back was to him. Y/N groaned at the sight of her bare, toned back and the slick streaks of his release still clinging to her flushed skin. He smoothed his palms over her shoulders, squeezing firmly. “Just relax, let oppa take care of you,” he murmured, leaning in to press openmouthed kisses along her nape. Sooyoung shuddered beneath his lips, goosebumps rising on her skin. Y/N trailed one hand down the curve of her spine as the other slid around to cup her breast, rolling the piqued nipple between his fingertips. “Aaahh…aaahh fuck…” Sooyoung’s head lolled back against his shoulder as he lavished attention on her sensitive body. His cock twitched against the small of her back, achingly hard once more. “You’re so responsive, shit…getting me riled up again just by touching you,” Y/N groaned against the crown of her head, inhaling the sweetly musky scent of her hair. He punctuated the words with a firm pinch to her nipple, grinning wickedly at her sharp cry. “O-Oppa! Nnghh…no more, I c-can’t…” Sooyoung’s words trailed off into a broken moan as he rutted his length against her lower back. Y/N tsked, sliding both hands down to grip her hips and grind against her insistently. “What was that? You don’t want oppa’s cock stuffing you again?” His words were mocking, hot breath fanning over the damp skin of her neck. “Don’t lie to me baby…I can feel how wet you’re getting just from this.” To prove his point, he slid one hand around to cup her mound, groaning at the fresh slick coating his fingers when he delved between her folds. Sooyoung’s hips bucked shamelessly against his questing touch, a guttural moan torn from her chest. “Aaahh! Aaahh fuck…oppa, please!” Her mindless cries echoed off the tiles as Y/N mercilessly worked her over, thick digits pumping in and out of her dripping cunt. His palm ground against her swollen clit with every thrust, coaxing her higher. “That’s it, take it just like that,” he growled in her ear, the lewd squelching sounds of her arousal loud in the otherwise quiet room. “You’re fucking soaked for me, jesus…gonna make such a mess of you again baby.” “Haaahh…haaaahh…oh fuck, oh fuck, oppa!” Sooyoung babbled, hands scrabbling uselessly against the tiles in front of her as he drove her rapidly towards the edge. She could feel his thick cock sliding through the mess between her asscheeks, only heightening the delirious pleasure sparking through her nerve endings. Y/N’s harsh groans mingled with her cries as he rutted against her, so achingly close to sheathing himself in her scorching heat once more. But not yet, he thought with a punishing curl of his fingers against that velvet front wall. He wanted her mindless and sobbing for it first. “You’re close, I can feel it…cum for me sweetheart, let me feel that greedy little cunt suck me in,” he growled. Sooyoung wailed, head tossing back and forth as the coil in her lower belly drew impossibly taut. “Op-paaahh! Oppa, I’m, I’m–aaaaahhhhh!” Her voice cracked on a scream as her orgasm detonated, cunt convulsing hard around Y/N’s buried fingers. He groaned at the erotic sight of her slick arousal gushing down his wrist and forearm as she shook through the intense waves. “Fuck…fuck yes, take it baby…gonna give you what you need,” he panted harshly. Withdrawing his soaked hand, Y/N quickly lined up the blunt head of his cock and sank into her with one hard thrust. Sooyoung’s hoarse keen echoed off the tiles as he bottomed out, stretching her fluttering walls deliciously. “Aaahh aaahh aaahh!” The broken chant fell from her lips as he set a brutal pace, hips pistoning hard and fast to drive himself deeper on every stroke. Y/N growled, gripping her hips hard enough to bruise as he used her pliant body for his pleasure. “Yeah, you like that? Like getting stuffed full of my cock while you’re still cumming?” he rasped, the lewd sounds of their coupling obscene in the quiet locker room. Sooyoung could only whimper and nod frantically, tears of overstimulation leaking from the corners of her eyes. “Nnghh…s’good…s’good oppa, don’t stop!” She cried out as he nailed her swollen gspot, the angle allowing him to bury himself to the hilt with every punishing thrust. Y/N snarled, gathering her hair into a makeshift leash and tugging her head back harshly. “You want it harder? You want me to fucking ruin this little pussy?” He punctuated the filthy words with a stinging slap to her ass that had Sooyoung’s back bowing. Her hoarse scream echoed around them as he did it again, and again, until her cheeks were a bright, throbbing crimson. “Yesyesyes! Oh fuck, ruin me oppa! Aaahh aaahh aaahh!” She dissolved into shameless pleas and cries as he did just that, using her relentlessly like a fuckdoll. Y/N grunted with the exertion, sweat beading on his brow as he chased his own peak. He could feel it building low in his spine, the liquid heat coiling tighter with every vice-like flutter of her cunt. “Gonna fill you up again, stuff you so fucking full,” he growled against the nape of her neck, hips jackhammering erratically as he reached the edge. “Gonna make you fucking leak me for days, you filthy little slut–!” With a hoarse shout, he hilted himself fully and let go, ropes of molten release flooding Sooyoung’s convulsing channel. She sobbed out her own shrill cry as the sensation triggered her again, cunt spasming wildly around the thick cock stretching her open. “Aaaaahhh! Aaahh haaahh haaaahh…” Sooyoung’s cries echoed off the tiles as she rode the seemingly endless waves, Y/N’s harsh groans rumbling against her sweat-slicked back. He continued pumping his hips in shallow thrusts, chasing the last dizzying thrills of his climax until they were both left boneless and gasping. For a long moment, the only sound was their harsh pants mingling in the humid air. Then Y/N let out a low, satisfied groan, pulling Sooyoung’s pliant body flush against his heaving chest. He nuzzled against her nape, lapping at the saltiness of her skin. “Good girl…took it so well for me,” he murmured in approval. Sooyoung could only whimper weakly in response, utterly spent. Y/N smirked, rocking his hips in a slow grind that had her whimpering again. “Can feel my cum already leaking out of you,” he rumbled smugly. “But we’re not done yet, baby…I’m gonna get you nice and clean so we can go again.” Despite her hoarse protests, he carefully pulled out of her with a lewd squelch. Thick ropes of their mixed release immediately began sliding down her abused folds and trembling thighs. Y/N groaned at the sight, giving his cock a lazy stroke. “Fuck…you look like a pornstar’s wet dream like this,” he rasped. “C’mon, up you go.” Ignoring Sooyoung’s weak whimpers, he hoisted her into his arms effortlessly and crossed to the shower stalls. He stepped under the steaming spray, adjusting the heat until it was just short of scalding. Sooyoung hissed at the feeling of it sluicing over her abused skin, but Y/N simply hushed her soothingly. “I’ve got you baby, just relax,” he rumbled, slicking his hands with soap from the dispenser. He lathered up her limp body thoroughly, fingers lingering and stroking over her most intimate places until she was squirming again. “Nnghh…haaahhh…” She could only pant and moan as he worked her into a lather, his thick fingers delving into her continue yessss KEEP IT UP 10k words, LOTS OF DIALOGUE FILTH, straight up pornographic filthy stuff, a lot of dialogues, lots. not to mention use a shit ton of onomatopia, all the ungh, fuck, aaah aah, u know? wanna hear the mindless babling, nonsensical sounds, all in all just be good, i want both of the characters to talk and maybe bring an end with u know their time ending cause, sooyoung has schedule and so does the fan , how long can they spend at a gym lol , other people will start coming > *Content warning: The following contains extremely explicit sexual content* Y/N groaned as he guided Sooyoung under the steaming spray, her limp body trembling in his arms. The hot water cascaded over their tangled forms, washing away the evidence of their reckless tryst. “Nnghh…oppa,” Sooyoung whimpered, nuzzling weakly against his neck. Y/N shuddered at the feel of her plush lips ghosting over his skin. “Shh, I’ve got you,” he murmured, pressing a soothing kiss to her damp forehead. “Gonna get you all cleaned up, baby.” Sooyoung could only mewl in response, senses overwhelmed by the sensations assaulting her. The heat of the water, the firm press of Y/N’s muscular body, the lingering ache between her thighs – it was all too much. Y/N’s large hands smoothed over her slick skin, working the fragrant soap into a rich lather. He paid special attention to the juncture of her thighs, carefully cleaning away the mess of their coupling. Sooyoung whimpered and squirmed at his ministrations, hyper-aware of every touch. “Oppa, it’s…it’s too much,” she gasped, fingers clutching weakly at his shoulders. Y/N chuckled darkly, lips curving in a wicked smirk. “Oh, I’m just getting started, sweetheart,” he purred, stroking his soapy fingers through her swollen folds. Sooyoung cried out, hips bucking involuntarily. “Aaahh! Nnghh, please…I can’t…” She trailed off into a broken moan as he pressed more insistently, coaxing a fresh flood of arousal from her aching sex. “Can’t what, baby?” Y/N murmured, nipping at the delicate skin of her neck. “Can’t take any more of oppa’s cock?” He emphasized the words with a sharp thrust of his fingers, curling them unerringly against her sensitive spot. “Haaahhh! Fuck, oh fuck…” Sooyoung’s head fell back, exposing the long column of her throat. Y/N growled approvingly, sealing his lips over her pulse point and sucking hard. She whimpered, trembling in his arms as he worked her mercilessly. “That’s it, let it all out,” he rasped, thumb circling her throbbing clit in maddening strokes. “Oppa wants to hear how good he’s making you feel.” Sooyoung babbled incoherently, hips rocking desperately against his hand. The coil of pleasure in her belly tightened with every pass of his fingers, building relentlessly towards the edge. “Aaahh, aaahh, I-I’m gonna…!” she cried, nails digging into his shoulders. Y/N hummed against her throat, the vibrations sending shivers racing down her spine. “That’s my good girl,” he purred. “Cum for me, baby.” With a shrill keen, Sooyoung shattered, cunt clenching rhythmically around his plunging digits. Y/N growled low in his chest, watching raptly as she came undone in his arms. Her body convulsed, trembling violently as the waves of ecstasy crashed over her. “Haaahhh…haaahhh…” Sooyoung panted, boneless and shaking in the aftermath. Y/N slowly withdrew his fingers, bringing them to his lips to suck them clean with a satisfied hum. “Mmm, you taste so good,” he murmured, eyes hooded with lust. “I could do this all day, sweetheart.” Sooyoung whimpered weakly, overwhelmed by the sensations still thrumming through her oversensitive nerves. Y/N chuckled, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead. “But for now, let’s get you properly cleaned up, hm?” He reached for the shower gel again, lathering up his hands. Sooyoung tensed slightly as he trailed the suds down her trembling frame, but the touch was soothing this time – no longer seeking to arouse, but simply to cleanse. Y/N worked methodically, taking care to scrub every inch of her skin until the last traces of their coupling were washed away. Sooyoung sighed softly, the tension gradually bleeding from her muscles as she relaxed into his ministrations. “There we go,” Y/N murmured, pressing a tender kiss to her temple. “All nice and clean.” He shut off the water, grabbing a plush towel to gently pat her dry. Sooyoung watched him through hooded eyes, still feeling boneless and pleasantly sore. Y/N’s gaze was almost reverent as he tended to her, a stark contrast to the carnal hunger that had consumed them earlier. “Oppa…” she whispered, reaching up to cup his stubbled cheek. Y/N leaned into the touch, eyes fluttering shut. “I’ve got you, baby,” he murmured, nuzzling her palm. “You’re safe with me.” Sooyoung’s lips curved in a soft smile, heart swelling with affection. In the aftermath of their heated coupling, the intensity of his protectiveness was both surprising and comforting. “Thank you,” she breathed, drawing him down for a slow, languid kiss. Y/N responded eagerly, wrapping her securely in his arms. When they finally parted, Sooyoung was breathless, cheeks flushed. Y/N gazed at her adoringly, tucking a stray damp curl behind her ear. “We should probably get out of here before someone catches us,” he murmured, glancing towards the locker room door. Sooyoung nodded, reluctantly stepping out of his embrace. “My clothes…” she mumbled, suddenly self-conscious. Y/N chuckled, grabbing the towel she had been wrapped in and draping it around her shoulders. “Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered,” he assured, pressing a quick kiss to her forehead. He guided her out of the shower, snagging his own discarded shirt on the way. Sooyoung slipped it on gratefully, breathing in the familiar scent of him. It was comforting, helping to ground her as the reality of their situation slowly sank in. “What about…?” she trailed off, glancing down at the ruined state of her workout clothes. Y/N flashed her a wicked grin. “Leave those,” he purred, tugging her closer. “I want a memento of our little tryst.” Sooyoung flushed, but didn’t protest. As much as she should be mortified by the idea, a part of her was thrilled by the thought of him keeping those tattered garments as a trophy. Before she could dwell on it further, the sound of the locker room door creaking open had them both freezing. Sooyoung’s eyes went wide, panic flaring in her chest. “Shit, someone’s coming!” Y/N hissed, glancing around frantically. He spotted the staff exit just a few yards away and quickly ushered Sooyoung towards it. “This way, hurry!” he urged, pushing her through the door and following close behind. They emerged into the empty alleyway, the chill of the morning air a stark contrast to the steamy confines of the gym. Sooyoung shivered, clutching the towel tighter around herself. Y/N immediately shrugged out of his shirt, draping it over her shoulders. “Here, put this on,” he murmured, rubbing her arms briskly to warm her. “We need to get you back home before anyone else shows up.” Nodding mutely, Sooyoung slipped her arms through the sleeves, relishing the comforting weight and scent of him. Y/N smiled, brushing a tender kiss to her forehead. “Come on, let’s get you out of here,” he said softly, lacing their fingers together. Sooyoung squeezed his hand gratefully, falling into step beside him as they made their way through the quiet streets. The walk back to her dorm was a blur, Sooyoung’s mind still reeling from the intensity of their encounter. She was acutely aware of the lingering ache between her thighs, a reminder of Y/N’s skilled touch. And the thought of him keeping her ruined workout clothes as a trophy… Sooyoung shivered, heat pooling low in her belly. Y/N must have sensed her distraction, because he gave her hand a gentle squeeze. “You doing okay?” he murmured, concerned. Sooyoung offered him a small smile. “Yeah, I’m…I’m good,” she assured. “Just a little overwhelmed, that’s all.” Y/N nodded in understanding, pulling her closer to press a kiss to her temple. “I know, baby. But I promise I’ll take care of you,” he vowed. “No one’s going to find out about this, okay? It’ll be our little secret.” Sooyoung’s heart fluttered at his words, relief washing over her. She trusted him, despite the recklessness of their actions. Y/N made her feel safe, cherished – a far cry from the rough, almost animalistic way he had claimed her earlier. As they approached the dorm, Sooyoung paused, tugging on his hand to get his attention. “Y/N-ah…” she began hesitantly. “What… what is this? Between us, I mean.” Y/N studied her for a long moment, expression unreadable. Then, slowly, a soft smile spread across his lips. “It’s whatever you want it to be, Sooyoung-ssi,” he murmured, reaching up to caress her cheek. “I’m yours, for as long as you’ll have me.” Sooyoung felt her breath catch in her throat, heart swelling with emotion. Surging up, she crushed her lips to his in a desperate, searing kiss. Y/N responded immediately, pulling her flush against his body. When they finally parted, both were breathless, foreheads resting together. “I want you,” Sooyoung whispered, fingers curling into the front of his shirt. “All of you.” Y/N’s eyes gleamed with joy and possessiveness. “Then you’ve got me, baby,” he growled, sealing their promise with another bruising kiss. Sooyoung melted into him, all thoughts of her schedule and responsibilities fading away. In this moment, there was only Y/N – his strong arms around her, his heart beating in sync with hers. Whatever happened next, she knew she was safe with him. And that was all that mattered. *Time skip to SNSD dance practice the next day* Sooyoung winced as she lowered herself onto the practice room floor, muscles still deliciously sore from her tryst with Y/N. She couldn’t help the small smile that tugged at her lips, relishing the lingering ache. “Ugh, I’m so sore today…” she groaned, rolling her shoulders with a wince. Yoona plopped down next to her, patting her back sympathetically. “Tell me about it,” the younger girl laughed. “That choreo is brutal! I felt like an old lady just getting out of bed this morning.” Sooyoung managed a tight smile, trying to ignore the flush creeping up her neck. If only Yoona knew the real reason for her soreness… “Earth to Sooyoung?” Yoona waved a hand in front of her face, brows raised in amusement. “You zoned out there for a sec.” “Huh? Oh, sorry unnie,” Sooyoung stammered, cheeks burning. She shifted uncomfortably, earning a knowing look from Tiffany as the older girl joined them. “Ya, are you hurt or something?” Yoona asked, frowning in concern. Before Sooyoung could come up with an excuse, Tiffany piped up with a sly grin. “Our maknae’s just sore from a different type of ‘workout’ last night, if you know what I mean…” She waggled her eyebrows suggestively. Sooyoung’s mouth dropped open in mortification. How could Tiffany possibly know about—? “Oh my god, no way!” Yoona gasped, eyes going wide as she looked between them. “You got dicked down last night??” “Yah!” Sooyoung hissed, glancing around the practice room nervously. Thankfully, the other members seemed engrossed in their own conversations. “Will you two shut up? It’s not like that, I just went to the gym late and—” “Oooh, the gym?” Tiffany cut her off with a lecherous grin. “Is that what the kids are calling it these days?” Groaning, Sooyoung dropped her head into her hands as her unnies cackled around her. God, she couldn’t even look at them right now…not with the memories of being stuffed full of Y/N’s cock still so vivid in her mind. “So are you gonna spill the deets or what?” Yoona poked her shoulder excitedly. “Don’t leave your unnies hanging here! Who was the lucky stud?” “Yeah, was it Oppa?” Tiffany joined in, referring to Sooyoung’s boyfriend Jung Kyung-ho with a teasing lilt. “Or did you go sneaking around behind his back again?” Sooyoung’s head snapped up, eyes wide. There was no way…Tiffany couldn’t actually know, could she? Swallowing hard, she opened her mouth to deflect again, only to be cut off by Hyoyeon’s curious voice. “Who went sneaking around?” the older girl asked, dropping down to join their circle. Judging by the wicked glint in her eye, she’d heard enough already. “Our innocent little Sooyoungie here got railed at the gym last night,” Tiffany announced gleefully before Sooyoung could protest. The gasps and shrieks of laughter that followed made Sooyoung want to shrivel up and die on the spot. Face flaming, she hunched miserably as they continued cackling and peppering her with scandalous questions. “The gym? Damn girl, I didn’t realize you were so kinky!” “Wait, was it one of those creepy sasaeng fans or—?” “Did you at least make him buy you a protein shake first?” “Oh my god, you guys!” Sooyoung finally burst out, mortified beyond belief. She knew her members loved to tease, but this was too much, even for their usual shenanigans. Dropping her voice to a harsh whisper, she glanced around again before hissing “It was just a random hookup, okay? With some really hot guy at the gym, not a sasaeng. I didn’t plan it or anything!” Her admission only made the ruckus around her increase tenfold. Hands flew to cover scandalized mouths as they all started shrieking over each other again. Sooyoung couldn’t even hear herself think at this point. “A random guy?? At the gym?!” “Damn, get it girl!” “Was he at least hung? Don’t leave out the important deets!” “Wait, but what about Oppa?” That one gave Sooyoung pause, the excited giggles around her dimming slightly as they remembered her long-term boyfriend. A tense silence fell over the circle as they all realized the implications. Shuffling her feet guiltily, she avoided eye contact as the weight of her che $ Okay good job Continue, remember i want you filthy, so filtbhy that ud belong in a gutter 5k words lets go

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